It was a glorious Saturday morning with sunshine and late May warmth, and I was all set for my little event in North Finchley Waterstones. The event was organised by Finchley Literary Festival, just one of the many events over the course of five days.
As I left the house, the skies darkened and it began to spit, lightly at first, and then it gradually became heavier. Out came the brolly, the mild expletives, and the not so mild expletives. I managed to get to the shop without resembling a drowned rat only because my kind husband dropped me directly outside it.

Wow. I hadn’t been expecting that, and I wasn’t at all sure if we would get much of an audience. But we did. It turned out to be a great event. Lots of people came, and not because the heavens had opened up at just the right time, lots of kids came too and asked questions. And to top it all the audience was as diverse as the three authors.
So a big thank you to Finchley Lit Fest!
It would be great to see more festivals like this utilising all the available local resources. Like the local library, it promotes all the many aspects of books, writing and reading, and it draws people together, gets children and teenagers involved in a lively interactive way. What better way to promote reading!
And what a wonderful way to end this year;s literary festival. Our thanks to Savita and all the participants who made #FLF2015 such an amazing experience.
I don't know about this festival more. But This events happenings are good during festival. So, I will want to share it with my friends. I want to know about v festival 2015 event dates.